Is Acceptance The Answer?

All it takes is for somebody to discover how to do it, and private clinics for enhancing the cognitive abilities of people's children will spring up like mushrooms. For me it's drugs, alcohol, coffee, sugar, and certainly the most mesmerizing high of them all: love. It is also reasonable to …

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Keep The Faith

Our primary aim in the study is to test whether metformin delays the onset of a group of age-related chronic diseases and whether it also decreases mortality. In the 1990's, NASA experimented and allowed employees to nap and, unsurprisingly, their performances skyrocketed. Many scientists have warned against the risks of …

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Break It Down

There were affordable food sources not a hundred yards away from the doorsteps of elders who were receiving three or four Meals on Wheels deliveries each week. It is not always going to be simple, but it is possible. Do you agree that the patient had a non-healing sore? I …

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When Things Get Hard

The risk of starting off with a broader goal is that you may lose motivation when you don't see results quickly. Being honest about our feelings, while also respecting those of another, is essential to experiencing greater intimacy and love. How often does a plan go completely right without any …

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The Spring Of 2001

As I learn the lessons of my pain, my need for the pain decreases. So to an extent, you need to be prepared for the feelings decluttering may release in you. Do one batch-cooking session to prepare your meals for next week. You can also switch to other healthy options …

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Flowers Pushing Through The Dotted Line

But the reality is often not even close to what you imagined. It is essential to remember that VNS is a treatment option, limited to patients with epilepsy or depression that is resistant to treatment. This is the level of Nobel Prize winners, great statesmen, and Supreme Court justices. Supplementing …

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Giving Up Greed For Lent

For many of us, our mind continues to race late into the night, keeping us awake and dominating our lives. Roles are useful because they shape the boundaries for our interactions with others For each one of us, the Big Fear wears a different form, shaped by what has happened …

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Great Temptation And Lurking Dangers

No matter how small you might think it is, no matter how meaningless you might think something you have done is, I would like to congratulate you and do it well. My disability mostly involves taking things literally, an inability to understand jokes or sarcasm, difficulty with reading subtle expressions …

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What You Can Do For The Future

Instead of mindlessly reaching for whatever food is right there or whatever food everyone else is eating, I encourage you to remember that you are in charge. When they have predictable times for their activities, somewhat structured days, and rules and schedules, they can begin to develop in the areas …

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Coping With Rapport

There are so many couples who want the other person to open up and let go more, to not be afraid to ask for what they want or to ask for something new and fresh. To make ahead, double the recipe except for the eggs and cheese, reserving half of …

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Obedience To Authority

This would be the right decision and would lead to a healthier, happier lifestyle and could open one's life up to numerous positive opportunities. The reservoir of goodwill needs to be replenished through loving words and actions. For example, a man who has just been relieved of his job can …

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Standing Up For Consistency

Having arrived at this point in the article, it probably won't surprise you that the panel concluded not a single drug was effective: Although there are Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs for treating the symptoms of Alzheimer's dementia, [t]here are no FDA-approved medications for the treatment of MCI. When …

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Coping With Devotion

Tanka is a much older poetic form than haiku (which is a brief composition of three verses having five, seven and five syllables, respectively), and it uses nature as its source of inspiration. As the acute effects of a persistently used drug wear off, the user feels withdrawn, fatigued, dulled …

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Giving Up Harmony For Lent

Robert Good whose name was synonymous with the entire field of transplantation immunology when he was at the National Institutes of Health. By acknowledging and appreciating all the good things you have and have done, you empower yourself to recognize the benefits you deserve and the good things you are …

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Shifting Your Focus

The next stages of integration and postintegration are closely tied together. The older monk in this simple Zen story teaches us about the power of Simplifying through letting go of what is unnecessary and living fully in the present. The people they leave crumpled in their wake are very adversely …

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The Spring Of 1955

Our daily actions, due to repetitive activities, become part of our life. You'll also see that grape seed extract addresses the underlying causes of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes--and Alzheimer's. Does my therapist help me improve in meaningful ways? The sulforaphane in broccoli is the best known of these, but …

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